
4 top video ,watch the full episode of Grand master Shifuji Shaurya -the Indian best Paratrooper teacher 2018

Shifuji Shaurya 1). 2). 3). 4).

Here are the 8 things about Para commandos you probably didn’t know 2018.

Balidan is given to only Paratroopers. 1).in order to be a Para (Special Forces), all personal are first required to qualify has paratrooper: once selected the candidates may chosen to advance to the SF selection. 2).All Indian Paratroopers is volunteers where only the serving army personal can opt for Para no one else. 3).Those who passed the Para test are sent to PTS (Paratroopers training school) at Agra, UP. Where 5 jumps including 1 at night, entitle the trainee to wear the wings and the maroon beret (cap).After this, those who had opted for Para (SF) undergo more specialized training of 3 more months to suit them for their role. In all, SF has 6 months probationary period. 4).It is one of the longest and toughest phases in world where the applicant is exposed to sleep deprivation, humiliation, exhaustion, mental and physical torture. The selection has reported deaths in the process itself. The attrition rate is very high and closer to 80% 5).5, 6, 7 and 8 ...

3 Best Ways to Join Indian Army as an officer 2018!

There are around 4 or 5 ways to join Indian army as an officer rank, but top 3 ways are given below to join Indian Army as an Officer. 1). NDA (National Defence Academy) At age of 16.5 you can join NDA or we can say you can join for officer rank but it is not too easy that you think, it beyond your and our imagination because officer are not born officer they are made, they are made in such Academy, for which numbers of candidates fight, You can join Indian army or Indian Air Force or Indian Navy from NDA, NDA offer you to join Forces of your interest .NDA is only for unmarried male ,you can fill application form after class 12 and to join Indian Air force and Indian Navy Math subject is mandatory. Till the Age of 19 you can fill the application form of NDA .if you missed the chance than don’t be upset below is another chance for you which is similar to NDA. 2).CDS (combined Defence Service) CDS is not for everyone, if you want to join CDS then the qualification ...

जानिए कैसे 1600m की इंडियन आर्मी की भर्ती को चुटकियो मे पास करे। 2018

If you are preparing for Indian army for post GD, Clerk, NA (nursing Assistance) so you should know that, difficult task is to pass/clear physical Test. In Indian Army Candidate have to run 1600 meter in only 5 minutes which is really difficult for many of them .they fail because they don’t know the right procedure  for preparing for these types of test. Around 500 Candidates run in First round and only 25 or 30 clear running test.1 st Group is consist of only one candidate which is also called first rank and rest are in Group II Below are some tips you should follow to clear the physical test of Indian Army. 1.)        Regular Exercises : If you are preparing for Indian Army You will definitely do practices of running but you forget to do exercise. You should do exercise before and after running because it will help in blood circulation and keep our mind fresh. Some benefits of regular exercises: : It keep you mind cool and fresh. ...

20 beautiful Hd Indian Armed Forces Photo Gallery that You Must Watch.2018

  Below Are 25 Best Indian Armed Forces Photo Gallery that you must watch.

5 Facts About The Indian Armed Forces That'll Make You Respects Them Even More. 2018

Indian Armed Forces ... The Indian Armed forces is consist of three major part: i.e Indian Army , Indian Air Force , Indian Navy. Below are some amazing Facts about Indian Armed forces..that you should know. 1. India control the highest battlefield in the world, the Siachen glacier, at 5000 meter above the sea level. Siachen Glacier 2. India Has biggest ''voluntary'' Army in the world. Indian man power 3. The Ezhimala Naval Academy in Kerala is the largest of its kind in Asia. Indian Naval Academy 4. The Indian Army Built the highest bridge in the World. Built by Indian Army 5. The Military Engineering Services (MES) is one of the biggest construction agencies in India. Indian Military Engineering Services

Why Indian Army is better than Pakistan Army Read below...

      Country:                          India                                                      Pakistan       Capital:                            New Delhi                                            Islamabad        Population:           ...