
Showing posts from August, 2018

NDA 2 2017 Merit List – 447 Candidates Cleared SSB Interview

NDA 2 2017 Final result and merit list are published by the UPSC . There are around 447 candidates who have cleared the NDA 2 2017 SSB interview to join the National Defence Academy.  The following is list, in order of merit of 447 candidates, who have qualified on the basis of the results of the Written Examination held by Union Public Service Commission in 10th September, 2017 and the subsequent Interviews held by the Services Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of National Defence Academy for the 140th Course and Naval Academy for the 100th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) commencing from July, 2018. For detailed information regarding the date of commencement of the above courses, please visit the websites of Ministry of Defence i.e www. joinindianarmy. and NDA 2 2017 Merit List The results of Medical Examination have not been taken into acc...

20 Tips for clearing NDA entrance Exam 2018 II .NDA एग्जाम 2018 को क्लियर करने के कुछ आसान तरीके

NDA Topics of Paper 1  mathematics  NDA exam syllabus are mentioned above, candidates who are doing their NDA exam preparation should make a note of their weak and strong topics, for strong topics they can self-practice but on weak topics they should seek external help such as private tuition. Paper 1  mathematics  NDA exam preparation -Make flash cards of important formulae’s of mathematics. It will help in enhancing the memory on the technical concepts. Paper 2 general knowledge NDA exam preparation – for  physics and chemistry , if you can’t prepare every topic then atleast prepare the topics from which questions are repeatedly came in the previous exams. Paper 2 general knowledge NDA exam preparation – for  physics and chemistry , focus on important but simple numericals, definitions, principles and properties as asked in the syllabus. Papers 2 general knowledge NDA exam preparation – for  general science , know all the important facts ab...